
Weight cells

Weight cells are sensors that give an electric signal depending on the load subjected. The sensor measures the deformation of the material by means of strain gauges that change their resistance because they are integrated with the deformed metal. The output signal corresponds to a puente extensiométrico and offers an output in mV proportionally to the load and supply. There are different types of weight cells depending on shape and operation: - Flexing load cells. With a parallelepiped shape, they detect the deformation when being exposed to some load in one of the ends. They are applied in small and [...]

Weighting systems (with accessories)

The main difficulty in the weighting system is the correct mechanical installation. An accurate installation of the support points is needed, as well as a good levelling of the ground, cell distribution protection and mechanical adaptation of the system to correct and protect cells not only to avoid measurement errors but also their deterioration. SENSOTEC INSTRUMENTS S.A together with the English Thames Side Sensors Ltd, offer global solutions for the correction of: -Contraction and expansion effect of the deposits due to thermal variation. - Misalignment of the cells (installation, slope). - Overturning prevention system. Avoid a possible lifting of the [...]