Production quality control systems

//Production quality control systems

Insertion in line control systems

In many processes nailing, insertion or riveting is necessary to monitor and evaluate the insertion parameters during the process. The combination of the position and force measurements provide us the following information: - Insertion force at each point of nailing. It enables to determine whether the friction across the curve of insertion is correct -Max and Min process forces. We determine the clamping force, the final force and forces in each zone change insertion - Position at each critical point. In order to know if we have achieved the final position, in order to know the length of the part, [...]

Electromechanical presses

In 2003 and thanks to the experience in the insertion systems, Dr. STAIGER MOHILO presented the first sereies of electromechanical presses incorporating the versatile DMPF PV3 in a complete system where the client is provided with a perfect tool to control and perform an insertion to a piece. Apart from the environmental improvements of an electromechanical system with no hydraulic oils, noise reduction and maintenance, the NCF and NCFH presses represented a breakthrough in: -Accuracy in the measurement of the position of the husillo. -Perfect stop in the fixed point or o in forced stops when desired value is achieved. [...]

Strength-position tests

By measuring position and strength (tension, compression or torque) in combination with measurement systems and high-speed recording, tests of multiple elements are performed: - Strength tests of parts, ropes, cables… - Threaded tests, insertion or removal - Element and material resistance - Operation of actuators such as buttons, switches, handles or valves, etc. - Test of diverse elements (doors, caps, seals, etc.) - Fatigue testing industrial or consumption equipment - Machines (manual or automatic) for rupture or insertion testing - Development of customized systems for research or quality control

Thickness and coating measurement coating

Ultrasound with ultrasonic sensors that allow us to determine the thickness of a material (surfaces, pipes, etc.) or a surface coating (paint, protective coatings, etc.). We have different models specific for each application and with the necessary resolution and accuracy. Optional certificate of traceable calibration or ENAC.